Gerret 's vta adjuster and finger nut upgrade

VTA adjustable is a new upgrade that I have added to my list recently. Gerret has just installed it onto his Rega turntable. He also shares with us his experience in upgrading his Rega turntable. 

Take a look!


This may be an odd thing to say, but the VTA adjuster is gorgeous. It is very well made and fits so snug that I am thinking anyone with a "traditional" mount Rega arm should have one just to make the arm mount more precise. 

The true reason for choosing it in my case is the future update to a Dynavector cartridge and this will require VTA adjustment. 

I attached some photos of my turntable to show the upgrades to date. 

It started as as a Rega Planar 2 and slowly moved into what it is today. Starting with an RP3 would have been easier in retrospect, but also more expensive. 

Changes include - in order of change: 
 - End stub replacement to metal stub and weight (Britaudio) 
 - Record weight (Audio Technica) 
 - Feet upgrade (Michael Lim) 
 - Sub-platter upgrade (Tangospinner) 
 - Plinth Upgrade (Audiowood) 
 - Motor Upgrade to 24V (Rega) 
 - Double 45 pulley (Michael Lim) 
 - Double belt upgrade (Michael Lim) 
 - Music Hall Speed Control 
 - Delrin Platter (GrooveTracer) 
 - VTA Adjuser & Finger Nut (Michael Lim) 

 Some funds were recovered by selling the glass platter and old motor. 

 I am now close to the end of this journey with the cartridge change being the next to final step. If the wiring in the arm gives me trouble that would be the final one. 

Michael, thank you for your inspiration and great products. 

Kind regards, 
Gerret Meyer 
Johns Creek, 

Thanks Gerret!

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