Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Eric Lew's P3-24 TT upgrades

Eric Lew of Singapore upgraded his P3-24 TT in two stages. If you are skeptical about tweaking your Rega turntable, you can always take a small step first. Tweaking turntables is not just a crazy hobby, you want to HEAR the difference....

Let's HEAR what Eric has to say ...

Hi Michael,

As promised a review with pictures attached. Upgrades installed this time as below :

1) Acrylic platter
2) Underslung counterweight
3) Stainless steel double pulley / silicone belts

4) Aluminium feet
5) Aluminium subplatter

Modifications were easily installed with simple and clear instructions from you, i progressively change out the components over a few days to assess the improvements

Overall sound improved tremendously. Background noise floor was reduced significantly, Soundstage and depth layering much better, Transparency and dynamics increased. 

Music is much more live and natural. Rediscovering my collection once again and it sounds like a new turnatble. 

Many thanks again to you Michael

Eric Lew

Thanks Eric!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,
    Thank you so much for this wonderful article! Here we all can learn a lot of useful things and this is not only my opinion! Even BLNCK corp. and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey5Ui7vibgg&feature=youtu.be confirmed it!
